We’ve made significant updates to the Driver Report system, improving usability and adding key features for better management and data insight. Below is a detailed breakdown of the changes.
1. Delivery Method Abbreviation: It is removed.
2. Pre + Post Pictures: Both are merged into a single "Pictures" column for simplicity.
Tabbed layout has been removed for a cleaner, single-page interface, but it reappears as Stop Type with colored row shading.
Each tile represents a truck and shows summary data for the day:
Interactive Tiles: Clicking a tile automatically filters the report by the truck.
Truck #
Damage Report (YES/NO)
Stop Type
New column indicating the type of stop:
Row shading: Row color reflects the stop status. If the order is still open/in-transit, the color remains white.
The color will be changed once the order is completed.
Reschedule: Now, it includes fulfillment types, such as "Product Delivery-Reschedule" (except for manual stops).
Fulfillment Type
Missing Parts? (YES/NO)
Replacement? (YES/NO)
Reschedule Reason: A new last column for tracking the reason behind reschedules.
View Details Column
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